Of Life and Thoughts

July 12, 2004

Crabs of life

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 2:14 am

Was at the shore, smelling the scent of the sea and listening to the whisper of the wind. Extremly body-relaxing to experience such nature therapy given by God, especially during an escape from a buzzing society to a peaceful Bali paradise.

Saw a tiny crab facing the sea, staying still for quite a while. Probably thinking alot during his quiet moment. “Where to go from here?”, “What to do now?”, “What is my future plan?”, “Is this the path I want to go?”..Through his tiny eyes, the world is so big, so many routes to take, so many directions to head.

After a long while, I think he finally decided to move! But crab being crab, it didn’t go forward, it ended up moving side ways, even though his eyes are fixing to the front direction! Quite frustrating I must say..

Planning ahead yet not moving forward, thinking about the future but getting nowhere near, talking about what we want to do but always ended up moving side ways.

Certainly I don’t want to end up living a crab’s life, now do you?

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