Of Life and Thoughts

March 28, 2011

Human relationship

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 2:42 am

Human relationships. One of the hardest equation, complexity further added with variations of characters, emotions and perspectives. The world is made up of inter-twined relationships and with it comes business, friendship and marriage. Boss to staff, husband to wife, friend to friend, parents to children. Complicated relationship created when boss and staff turned friends, colleagues turned to lovers, husband and wife turned to business partners, etc. Handling complication is something not everybody is used to, certainly not within a lifetime. There ain’t just not enough encounters of such for you to learn, after all you only get to live once. One does not have enough experiences to handle them well, they learnt through mistakes and honestly how many mistakes can they afford to make before they ruined the relationship?

Trying to handle human relationship is something not everybody is good at, people tried and think that they can, well, to a certain extent. You see a pastor able to handle his people well and back home argued with his wife most of the time. You see every colleague like their boss but his friend think he is a bastard. You seen it before, and you may been there.

Everyday we are living out to handle different species of human, from morning with your wife, husband or parents, afternoon with business partners or colleagues to night time with friends.

Everyday emotions flying all around our life, to make us happy, sad, angry, frustrated etc.

Everyday is nothing but just…mere passing the time of life.

Yes, looking at life from a broader perspectives, you realized that all these are just part and parcel of passing time. Time flies. Everyday passed like a zooming ferrari, it is no wonder that some people decided to ignore the ruined relationship and don’t intend to salvage it. Others just pretended nothing happens, only few took the effort to look into it.

Question is, can we afford to be overly concerned and try hard to please everyone? If a relationship is ruined, what must we do? Should we always bend over backward just to save a relationship?

I remembered what my pastor always said, “if you love them, just do the right thing”

If you love them and you had done your best in your way of relationship with others, you no longer need to be bothered by their reaction and their own perspective. Their response back to you may not be what you hope for but for that, you need to manage yourself from within, understanding that people are just different.

When it comes to human relationship, it is not about handling them well so that they all like you, it is about loving them, doing the right thing and most importantly handling yourself in the way of your reaction and response to it.

Do the right thing, say the right words, be responsible and don’t hide. This IS the best advice.

Of course, part of being human is our unavoidable emotions that reacts to our surroundings, circumstances and people. Even if we do the right things and others still made us sad due the different in perspective, it is unavoidable that we will be disappointed. So that is why we must learn how to control our emotions.

Emotions will not get us anywhere, learning how to control them will prevent us from disappointments and hurts that they had caused.

Therefore, to live in the world full of people, learn to love them without asking for a good return, unconditionally that is. And lastly take control of your own life and your own emotion.

Remember, we all only live once.

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