Of Life and Thoughts

September 15, 2010

The depth of our life

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 7:13 am

It has been a while. A very long while. Not because of laziness, but purely the lack of inspiration that prevented the ink from flowing. Why now? Why this morning? Well, not sure, but I love the sudden interest and the mood that draws me to start writing. Maybe I do need an outlet after all.

Depth of our life. What a title. But that is what comes to my mind the moment I woke up and want to blog about it.

Too much things happening in everyone’s life. Career, making a living, family, learning etc. Non-stop. Just keep going, on and on, 7 days a week, 31 days a month, 365 days a year. Before you know it, 5 years, 10 years have past. Looking back, we reviewed our “performance” and evaluate our life, gauging how far we have gone and how well we achieved.

But hang on for a second, is that what is all about? Is this what coming to our Mother Earth and start living life is about? Is this what our 80-90 years of our time here is about?

Deep. Very deep. But let’s do not escape from this. Think about it.

Everybody can pass through life easily, like I said, just keep going, on and on. What separates a meaningful life from a normal one? What separates you from the rest? It is not about how much we do, not even how well we do. Something has to summarize what we do. Perhaps an objective? Perhaps a purpose?

That’s right, a purpose. Life purpose. One word, one sentence, one statement, must be enough to tell others about you. That statement, should be what others think about you.

In everything that we do, no matter how busy, we should not waste our time so easily. It will, very quickly, eats up our life and before you know it, many years have past.

The fulfillment of life comes by a life purpose. That will form the depth of our life, the way I like to call it. This depth will find you a meaning, this depth will encapsulate all the directions that you are heading and thing that you do.

It can be “making a difference in the society we lived in”, it can be “making a legend for yourself”. With this, and together with the Creator that is going to see through that you are constantly reminded of this and support you, that fills the void of your life that no one can fill, that fills up that emptiness of life that nothing else can fill.

To me, my life purpose is just two words, “Touch Lives”. Touching lives where I go, whatever I do and whoever I know. For me, I am still trying, one at a time.

So what is yours? Have you decided?

Must you do it? Well, depends on how well you understands what I am talking about, depends on “the depth of your life”. You should, if you ask me, but again, like I always said, it is how you run your life. I shall leave that decision, always, to you…

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