Of Life and Thoughts

January 10, 2005

Know the truth

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 11:30 pm

What is truth to you? Is truth relative or absolute? Or is it just a perspective? How do you measure truth with reference from?

Give you an example. You are in a lecture hall of 100 students, you asked them to do a survey of what they think about a particular handphone model. 99 of them think that it is good and reliable, only 1 of them think it is bad because it always hanged. So, is “good and reliable” a truth for this model? If 100 of them all agreed, does that concludes that this model is indeed “good and reliable”? If you are in the hall, listening to all these comments, will you walk out of the hall thinking likewise as well?

Or is it merely because it happens that 100 students all have the similar experience from this model and that there are more than 500 students outside the lecture hall don’t agree ? In this case, is truth relative?

When you searched Google.com and want to find out information, you realised that there are many information regarding the keywords that you searched. How do you know what they said is true? Who is to certify that the information is correct before posting it on the Web? Do you believe everything that you see on the Internet?

Similarly, if you heard something from a group of friends, if you heard certain comments regarding somebody, do you believe everything that is said? As majority of the time are just mere opinions? Will you walk away, having being influenced by the opinions of friends and think likewise as well?

On the other hand, opinions, comments and remarks are extremely important. Words that come out from your mouth can never take it back. It might hurt, wound and destroy the way others look at things, especially when you are in a high level of influence.

Bottom line, don’t take whatever you hear or see by surface, don’t be naive to believe every opinion from your friends, always have an open mind and seek for the truth yourself.

Truth don’t comes by sight and sound, it comes by knowing. And when you “know” truth, it shall set you free.

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