Of Life and Thoughts

March 12, 2008

What if…..

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 2:13 am

You might not notice it. But it is hidden in a lot of conversation. Yes, the word “What if”.

I came to a conclusion that this is probably one of the most powerful words around. In today’s context, society and economy circles around these words, creating business opportunities, fostering leadership and improve project planning. Disaster Recovery Plan begins with it, Insurance policy starts with it and good operation planning always have alot of “What if”‘s.

Many things can be achieved by this “What if”, similarly many things might not able to be achieved with this. You probably can relate to many incidents when people told you or ask you something and begin with the word “What if…”

“What if something happens?” “What if we don’t do this..” What if this is an opportunity”

It caused you to make a decision without knowing the next move, the next step or the result. It caused you to think through carefully and based on your experiences, trying to make a judgement call.

But most importantly it gives you a chance to exercise faith. Yes, the word “What if” branched out 2 paths; Faith and Fear.

In the absence of faith, fear steps in. Similarly if there is no fear, faith exists.

We should always press forward for a positive result and outcome. When “what if” is presented in a negative way, reverse that and asked back with the presence of faith.

“What if we do this and it fails?”, BUT “what if we do it and it is successful?”

Whilst we cannot eliminate the element of risk, but yet we should never stop trying to exercise faith and calculate that risk.

Don’t let the “What if” scare you off, face it, think through and challenge it back.

What if you do what I said and you become a better person? Is it worth a try? 😉 

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