Of Life and Thoughts

March 15, 2006

Finance and Wealth

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 9:41 pm

A businessman once visited a village during his holiday trip. Saw a fisherman waiting by the river, trying to catch some fishs.”Hi sir, alot of fishs around here?” The man asked.

“Plenty, I always come here for fishs”

“Wow, that’s good to hear. Sir, what do you do for a living?”

“Not working, I have a little farm here”

“Sir, I think you are missing out alot, you are still young and I have a great plan for you! Let’s try to wholesale all these fishs and get some funds. Using this fund, we can starting building some machines which can accelerate the growth of these fishs and multiply from there!”

“Sounds good, and then?”

“And then as our company start profiting few years later, we can go public listed and start selling shares! You and I will be millionaires by then!”

“Hmmm..so that?”

“What do you mean so that?? So that we can start some passive income and let the passive income feed our family. So that we can stop working, retire early and be happy!”

The fisherman laughed at him and said “I think I forgot to mention that I am also a very happy man now.”

To seek Financial Wealth is difficult and can be draining, but to seek Financial Independent is achievable and very much possible.

March 8, 2006

A tree at large

Filed under: Articles — rogerlim @ 7:40 pm

Whenever we looked at a tree, especially a big tree, we always amazed by the interesting way of it bringing forth its fruits. It always started branching out the major big branches, then followed by the smaller branches spreading out from the big ones and so on. Each branch will eventually bring forth fruits, depending on the kind of tree it is. And when you looked at the tree from a distance, you will marvel at the majestic size of it and how wonderful the works of God is in this area.

That was what I did one day when I sat in front of a giant big tree, simply admiring from afar…

Then I asked myself, isn’t life itself is liken to a tree and how problems and issues of life are liken to that of its branches?

As many as the branches in the tree, so are our problems and issues that we faced week in week out. Isn’t it true that some of them are big ones and some of them are those minor ones that we faced daily?

Our problems and issues in life doesn’t seem to go away, in fact, it kept spreading out and kept growing, into different shapes and sizes. We always complain about how we have to handle each and every single one of them that comes along. We are always so stressed out by them all the time.

Whilst our problems and issues are so real, we shouldn’t always kept focusing at it and lose faith in life at large. We shouldn’t failed to see that every single branch is there for a purpose. The tree of life draws out from the root of God to bring nutrients across every branch so that it will bring forth fruits. All the branches are channels which the tree used to develop its fruits. The question here is, are we seeing them in that perspective? Do we even spare some time to think about that? Or are we just too busy trying to cope with our life?

When we looked at all the branches, they are just too many. But when we looked at the tree itself, it is simply a piece of art.

So can I make a suggestion? The next time when you prayed, throw away your list of problems for a while, sat in front of your tree together with God from a distance, and marvel at the majestic size of your life and how wonderful the works of God is in this area….

Trust me, you will be amazed by what you are about to see..

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